With 35+ campuses nationwide and online, Columbia College has centralized Marketing which handles all of the advertising for each campus. The Go For Greater® campaign had been running for a year and needed a refreshed look. This bolder, brighter look with multiple applications was developed.


For those campuses with a print advertising strategy, ads were created with customized images and messaging to appeal to the target demographic of each market. In markets deemed to have a good response to direct mail, customized campaigns were crafted to appeal to the campuses’ strengths.

Recruitment Materials

After a potential student becomes interested in Columbia College, they may begin receiving print materials customized to their interests. Brochures range from very broad and inclusive of all aspects of the college down to individual degree programs or services offered.


The Go For Greater campaign permeated throughout everything for the college, and this extended to our Youtube channel. Students and alumni provided their testimonies and shared how Columbia College helped them “go for greater.”